Since we started Family Meetings with Appreciations about 6 months ago, I have noticed all of the following increasing in my childrens' interactions with each other:
1. generosity
2. helpfulness
3. kindness
4. playfulness and enjoyment with each other
1. Toby has shared with Hazel treats he received at school, that he bought with his allowance, and toys that are his or that he purchased himself - many times. He has also allowed her to wear his clothes. Hazel has given Toby pieces of her food and let him play with her toys.
2. Toby either helped Hazel clear her dishes, or did it for her, for a week. He helped her wash her hands after peeing, while I was in the shower.
3. When Hazel has cried in the car, Toby finds and gives her a pacifier or her doll. He reads books to her. They blow kisses at each other!
4. They have chased each other around the house laughing hysterically, and played wrestling games. They have created water games in the tub together.
All of this just melts my heart. Previously, about the best I could hope for was indifference - Hazel loved Toby, of course, but he was not very interested in interacting with her. Sometimes he was mean, wouldn't let her use anything of his, pushed her, or screamed at her. All of that still happens sometimes, but so much less often, and it is really totally overshadowed by the positive stuff. Just love it.
Wow, that's so beautiful. Especially in light of what you mentioned at the momTV night about T's appreciations - I guess even if they don't seem nice all the time, there's a lot of niceness happening inside.... Congrats on your lovely family! :)