Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Toby has been opening birthday present packages and spreading out all the little pieces (and packaging) all over the floor, from the front hallway through the kitchen and into the diningroom. He is still wearing the clothes he put on Sunday morning before his party. There is a basket of clean laundry in his room from several days ago that hasn't been touched. There are several pairs of scissors on the family room floor, along with a zillion tiny shards of rigid plastic packaging and bits of cardboard from one of the toys, that are migrating out into the rest of the house. A car snack choice of hummus and crackers on a plate ended up decorating the carseat. Some crazily button-pushing meanness to sister, two incidences of unintentional but unrepentant hurting.

On the other hand, two full days into it and there are only two dishes on the table - everything else got put into the dishwasher. Two empty cracker boxes on the table, but no perishables left out. Candy, gum, and tonic water have only exceeded their usual limits by a small amount. He did brush his teeth twice today. Several successful negotiations with sister, both happy with the results.

Hazel's dishes, leftovers, toys, clothes, and diapers are just left anywhere. She is dressing herself, getting in and out of the car on her own, and has not thrown anything today.

They are both in bed now. And only two dueling crying episodes today.

I am finding it much harder to stay quiet about the mess this time.


  1. Repeat to yourself "it's temporary. it's temporary. it's temporary. 4 more days... 3 more days..." That's how I kept myself (almost) sane during the first DNSN. Oh, and hiding in my bedroom when I just couldn't stand to look at it anymore. I wonder what a statement like "I am going to go to my room for a while because I don't want to look at the mess anymore" would mean to them?

  2. Looks like there is some wonderful progress in your home! DNSN is always hard, but you're a trooper. I love this weeks momTV, all about stepping back for the first day of school. Very insightful. Allow the transition/ swelling without filling up the space. DNSN and see what our kids are capable of. I'm going to sit down with the kids a do a raodmap with them for the school year. Great questions about this in the forum!

  3. Alas, I am not in the forum. I watched the MomTV episode on your recommendation, Sarah, and it added resolve to my intention to stay quiet next Monday. Toby watched it with me, and I asked him what he thought would happen between now and then for him to be ready for school, and he said, "I think I've done everything except make my lunch." I asked how he wanted to handle using the timer for the bus, and he said he would ask for it to be set, no reminders! Wow. I actually think the school routine will help all the home stuff get done more regularly too. Roadmap still isn't clicking for me.
